8th international meeting
Mišov memorial

 Date: Saturday, 13th of June 2015
 Place: Swimming pool Ilirija
Celovška cesta 3
1000 Ljubljana

50m olympic pool
depth: from 1,10m to 2,20m
8 lanes – water temperature: 27°C
 Schrdule: Warm up: from 8:00 to 8:45
Competition: at 9:00
A boys 2001   A girls 2003
B boys 2002   B girls 2004
C boys 2003   C girls 2005
D boys 2004   D girls 2006
E boys 2005 and younger   E girls 2007 and younger
  1st partMORNING:
  01. 50 m fly M E, D, C,
  02. 50 m fly W E, D, C,
  03. 100 m fly M B, A
  04. 100 m fly W B, A
  05. 50 m back M E, D, C, B, A
  06. 50 m back W E, D, C, B, A
  07. 4x50 m medley  MIX 2xM+2xW C, D, E
  08. 4x100 m medley MIX 2xM+2xW A, B
  2nd part: AFTERNOON
  00. 50m prosto  Plavalna šola Ilirija
    Closure for Ilirija swimming school out of the program.
  09. 50 m breast M E, D, C, B, A  
  10. 500 m breast Ž E, D, C, B, A  
  11. 100 m free M E, D, C, B, A  
  12. 100 m free Ž E, D, C, B, A  
  13. 200m I.M M E, D, C, B, A Memorial
  14. 200m I.M Ž E, D, C, B, A event


The groupes will be devided and sourted by previous times of the competitiors – each category separately. First category E, than D, C, B and A.

No. of entries: unlimited
Fee: 20 € - regardless of the number of events
Meals: Meals will be provided to the swimmers on the competition. Lunch is included in the strating fee.
 Team competition:
points are given to the best 16 swimmers:   first eight relays
  place   point     place   point             place   point  
  01.   35     09.   10       01.   70  
  02.   29     10.   08       02.   58  
  03.   25     11.   06       03.   50  
  04.   22     12.   05       04.   44  
  05.   19     13.   04       05.   38  
  06.   16     14.   03       06.   32  
  07.   14     15.   02       07.   28  
  08.   12     16.   01       08.   24  

In the categories C, D, E - the alignement is: backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, freestyle.
It does´t matter how the boys and the girls are aligned, and it is of no importance the category they come from.

Only two relays from one club can take part in the competition.

In categories A and B the alignement is: backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, freestyle.
The same rule applies as for the younger categories. Only two relays from one club can take part as well.

  • The first three competitors in every event (from every category) will be awarded.
  • The winner of the relay will be receiving a trophy.
  • For every record achieved at the competition regardless of the event or category, swimmers will be given a special price. (see bellow)

A price is awarded to the first swimmer who is able to brake the time previously assigned. (the time challenges will be known on the day of the competition)
Swimmers without a time on the start list do not count.

Applications: via e-mail:: mihakaps@gmail.com
Odjave: najkasneje do četrtka 11. 06. 2015 (do 20:00 ure zvečer).
Event records:
100 fly Boys Girls
  A 01:04:90 01:08,99
  B 01:07,39 01:15,17
50 fly Boys Girls
  C 00:31,48 00:35,63
  D 00:32,65 00:38,73
  E 00:36,27 00:46,66
50 back Boys Girls
  A 00:31,47 00:33,63
  B 00:31,95 00:36,45
  C 00:34,26 00:37,76
  D 00:35,25 00:40,72
  E 00:36,61 00:44,32
50 breast Boys Girls
  A 00:33,57 00:36,50
  B 00:35,75 00:38,56
  C 00:37,36 00:41,53
  D 00:38,62 00:42,23
  E 00:42,34 00:48,95
100 free Boys Girls
  A 00:57,92 01:02,83
  B 00:58,89 01:05,93
  C 01:03,94 01:11,94
  D 01:07,35 01:16,82
  E 01:14,09 01:36,33
200 medlay Boys Girls
  A 02:22,42 02:32,23
  B 02:28,16 02:36,70
  C 02:37,61 02:54,33
  D 02:44,82 03:04,46
  E 02:5569 03:33,05