13th of november 2010




The  meeting  will  take  place  on  Saturday,  November  13th  2010  in  the swimming pool Golovec, Deckova 1, Celje.




The competition will take place in the indoor swimming pool: 25 m, 8 lanes, water temperature 26,5° C.





The competition will be organized according to the regulations of PZS and





The time measuring will be electronic.




Heats will be formed on the basis of the entry results. The best heat will swim the last. Each swimmer may compete on any number of events. For events 800m and 1500m  freestyle will start at most two groups.





The first three swimmers in each event and category will be awarded with medals. The list of categories is as follows:




A: 1994 and older

A: 1992 and older

B: 1995 and 1996

B: 1993 and 1994

C: 1997 and 1998

C: 1995 and 1996





The swimmers will compete individually and in team.




Individual competition:

The best female and male swimmer in each category, who will reach the highest sum of points from three events according to PZS Score Tables, will get the cup. The three results are: only one the best 50-meter result, and  the  other  two  best  results,  each   from  the  different  part  of  the competition.  In case, if two swimmers have the same sum, the swimmer with the best individual result will win. The best three competitors in absolute category will be rewarded. Reward fund is 900 .

1st. place – 500

2nd. place – 250

3rd. place 150




Team competition

First three teams that collect the highest amount of points, will receive a trophy. Sixteen best competitors of absolute category in every event will get the points. The system of scoring is: 20 points for the 1st place,1 point for the 16th place. Coach of the best team will be rewarded with practical reward.

Entries with the list of swimmers (last name, first name, sex, year of birth and the entry  times) shall be sent until November 2nd 2010 by e-mail. Slovenian entries – on line.

The cancellation of the entries will be accepted until November 10th 2010.




Starting fee is 5 for each start and must be paid before the beginning of the competition.




Obligation of clubs:

Swimmers compete on their own responsibility. Clubs are obliged to provide an insurance and personal security for their competitors.


The address of the organizer:




e-mail1: marines.neptun@gmail.com

e-mail2: info@plavalniklub-neptun.net

Info: + 386 40 490 390

Program of the competition


Saturday, November 13th 2010 1st part


1. del

1st part

7:30 Ogrevanje

7:30 Warm-up

8:30 Tekmovanje

8:30 Competition

400 m prosto ženske

400 m freestyle female

400 m prosto moški

400 m freestyle male

100 m mešano ženske

100 m medley female

100 m mešano moški

100 m medley male

50 m hrbtno ženske

50 m backstroke female

50 m hrbtno moški

50 m backstroke male

200 m delfin ženske

200 m butterfly female

200 m delfin moški

200 m butterfly male

100 m prosto ženske

100 m freestyle female

100 m prosto moški

100 m freestyle male

100 m prsno ženske

100 m breast female

100 m prsno moški

100 m breast male

200 m hrbtno ženske

200 m back female

200 m hrbtno moški

200 m back male

50 m delfin ženske

50 m butterfly female

50 m delfin moški

50 m butterfly male

400 m mešano ženske

400 m medley female

400 m mešano moški

400 m medley male




After 1st part there will be 2,5 hour of rest + 30 min warm up.


Saturday, November 13th 2010 2nd part


2. del

2nd part

200 m prosto ženske

200 m freestyle female

200 m prosto moški

200 m freestyle male

200 m prsno ženske

200 m breast male

200 m prsno moški

200 m breast male

100 m delfin ženske

100 m butterfly female

100 m delfin moški

100 m butterfly male

100 m hrbtno ženske

100 m back female

100 m hrbtno moški

100 m back male

50 m prosto ženske

50 m freestyle female

50 m prosto moški

50 m freestyle male

200 m mešano ženske

200 m medley female

200 m mešano moški

200 m medley male

50 m prsno ženske

50 m breast female

50 m prsno moški

50 m breast male

800 m prosto ženske

800 m freestyle female

1500 m prosto moški

1500 m freestyle male



The organizer reserves the right to change the start of the afternoon competition



The organizer's Web site View as